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From YouTube: Harbor - Steven Zou & Wenkai Yin, VMware


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Harbor is an open source trusted cloud-native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content. It has been widely used by organizations large and small around the world to resolve both the container image and Helm Chart management challenges. In this session, we will cover some advanced features of using Harbor, such as OIDC support, improved content replication among Harbor and other non-Harbor registries, content management in a cloud environment, unified management of Helm Chart and container images, highly-available deployments and DevOps supporting etc.. Additionally, we'd like to share some Harbor community-related things like the governance model and contributing guide the Harbor community following with you in case you want to deeply participate in the regular contributing and/or maintaining activities of Harbor community in future. Furthermore, the team would love to get feedback from users and contributors to current features and future roadmap.