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From YouTube: Deep Dive: Rook - Jared Watts, Upbound & Dmitry Yusupov, Nexenta Systems


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Deep Dive: Rook - Jared Watts, Upbound & Dmitry Yusupov, Nexenta Systems

In this talk, we will be taking a deep-dive through both the architecture and some of the more recent developments of the Rook project. Rook is an open source cloud-native storage orchestrator for Kubernetes, providing the platform, framework, and support for a diverse set of storage solutions to natively integrate with cloud-native environments. We will learn about using multi-homed network configurations for popular Rook storage operators such as EdgeFS and Ceph. Backend and client networking isolation will be explored in detail, focusing on performance analysis and security benefits of such configurations. Rook was accepted as the first storage project hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation in January 2018.