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From YouTube: Topology-Aware Service Routing for Kubernetes is Coming Soon! - Jun Du, Huawei


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Topology-Aware Service Routing for Kubernetes is Coming Soon! - Jun Du, Huawei
There are 3 topology-awareness areas in Kubernetes, e.g. scheduling, storage and service. Topology-aware scheduling and volume provision have already been supported, while topology-aware service routing is not supported yet. As we know, cross-zone network traffic being charged, while in-zone is not. Suppose an user only want to visit service backends that are in the same zone with client. Kube-scheduler can constraint the Pods to run on a particular zone, but kube-proxy may choose an endpoint which is in the different zone. In order to get rid of such paint points, sig-network is leading a new feature development in community - topology-aware service routing. The feature owner will dive into the design and challenges in implementing topology-aware service routing. Future direction of this feature will be covered as well, including what's on the table for beta and graduation criteria.