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From YouTube: (k)Native K8s CI/CD platform - Shash Reddy, Pivotal


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(k)Native K8s CI/CD platform - Shash Reddy, Pivotal

In this talk we will discuss how to use the Knative Pipeline project to configure and run CI/CD pipelines for your Kubernetes applications. You’ll be able to manage and observe CI/CD objects with kubectl the same way that you would interact with Kubernetes resources. We will dive into the major features Knative Pipeline supports and how to use them. This talk will include - How to build pipelines. - How to run one-off tasks. - How to leverage the K8s ecosystem while running Pipelines for diagnosis and observability. - Demonstrate a couple of use cases like an application developer pushing source code building images deploying application on their cluster without any external CI/CD resource. This talk proposal is also submitted to Kubecon Europe 2019.