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From YouTube: Scale Kubernetes to Support 50,000 Services [I] - Haibin Xie & Quinton Hoole


Scale Kubernetes to Support 50,000 Services [I] - Haibin Xie & Quinton Hoole, Huawei Technologies

Kubernetes currently has two load balancing modes: userspace and IPTables. They both have limitation on scalability and performance. We introduced IPVS as third kube-proxy mode which scales kubernetes load balancer to support 50,000 services. Beyond that, control plane needs to be optimized in order to deploy 50,000 services. We will introduce alternative solutions and our prototypes with detailed performance data.

About Quinton Hoole
Technical Vice President, Huawei

About Haibin Michael Xie
Senior staff engineer/architect, Huawei Technologies
I am a senior staff engineer and architect from Huawei PaaS team based in Seattle, WA, USA. Main main focus is scalability and performance for PaaS platform and APM technologies. Prior to joining Huawei, I worked on Windows Storage Server, Windows Azure monitoring/analytics and Bing Ads user behavior targeting at Microsoft.
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