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From YouTube: How We Built a Chargeback System for Twitter’s Compute Platform (Mesos/Aurora)


How We Built a Chargeback System for Twitter’s Compute Platform (Mesos/Aurora) That Incentives Higher Resource Utilization [I] - Jeyappragash Jeyakeerthi, Twitter Inc.

Twitter is powered by a collection of diverse, multi-tenant infrastructure and platform services. We run Mesos/Aurora for general compute, Manhattan for storage, Hadoop for batch compute and many more. We also run many platform services and one such example is our custom observability (monitoring) service.

Given Twitter scale, these services should always be available, reliable, scalable, well utilized, cost effective and flexible. The multi tenant nature of these services brings increased management complexity and a host of challenges, for both the service owner and end-users. Here are a few, that we will be covering (along with uses cases) during the first half part of the talk:
- resource discovery
- capacity planning
- resource ownership
- resource provisioning through self-service
- resource utilization and cost tracking

In the next half, we will talk about our solution i.e the Cloud Platform Management System: A simple way to catalogue, identify, plan, provision, meter usage and chargeback resources of multi-tenant infrastructure services. We will also share a case study on how we improved the overall utilization of the general compute platform (Mesos/Aurora) after being on-boarded into the Cloud Platform Management System. Finally, we will share our vision for the next generation cloud platform for multi-tenant services.

About Jeyappragash Jeyakeerthi
Jeyappragash leads Twitter’s Cloud Infrastructure Management Platform. This hybrid cloud platform helps developers manage and launch their services providing detailed visibility about resource usage and for infrastructure owners, to offer their infrastructure or platform as a true multi-tenant offering. Previously he worked as a Distinguished Engineer at Motorola, leading efforts to build their Notification Infrastructure, their Software Upgrade services and a Prospective Search based Content Delivery Service. Jeyappragash graduated from IIT Madras with a Masters in EE.
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