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From YouTube: OpenTracing and Containers: Depth, Breadth, and the Future of Tracing [I] - Priyanka Sharma


OpenTracing and Containers: Depth, Breadth, and the Future of Tracing [I] - Priyanka Sharma & Ted Young, LightStep

Those building microservices at scale understand the role and importance of distributed tracing: it’s the most direct way to understand how and why a system is misbehaving. But distributed tracing has long harbored a dirty secret: the source code instrumentation can been complex, fragile, expensive, and difficult to maintain.

The OpenTracing project addresses that integration problem through standardization and collaborations with other open-source software systems. In this talk, Ted will begin by describing OpenTracing and explaining why you should care about it. He will then show how OpenTracing will be able to deliver zero-touch, black-box instrumentation of distributed applications via orchestration systems like Kubernetes, and why that could change the way we all reason about distributed computation.

About Priyanka Sharma
Head of Product Marketing, Partnerships, & Open Source
Priyanka Sharma is an entrepreneur with a passion for building developer products and growing them through open source communities. She heads Marketing and Partnerships at LightStep and also works on the OpenTracing project, an instrumentation standard for distributed tracing. In her copious spare time she advises startups at HeavyBit industries, an accelerator for developer products. Priyanka cofounded WakaTime, an open source time-tracker for developers and holds a BA in Political Science from Stanford University.

About Ted Young
Ted has spent the last 15 years building distributed systems in a variety of environments: computer animation pipelines for VFX, national elections, and elastic compute platforms. Previously, he helped design the Diego Container Runtime for Cloud Foundry. Currently focused on OpenTracing and tools for root cause analysis.
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