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From YouTube: Kubernetes: Developing on Windows, Deploying on Linux [B] - Rodrigue Cloutier, Ubisoft


Kubernetes: Developing on Windows, Deploying on Linux [B] - Rodrigue Cloutier, Ubisoft

The Kubernetes community and tooling is currently oriented towards POSIX systems.
For various reasons, many developers still need to run a development environment on Windows, while deploying actual services in a Linux environment.
This talk is based on what we've learned while developing the next online platform for Ubisoft's flagship games.
It will cover the current state of tooling when working in a mixed environment, and some of the practices we've developed to work effectively with the current generation of tools such as minikube and Helm.
We will also explore what can be learned about how these and future tools can be better adapted to support developers working in these mixed environments.

Topics covered include:
- Current state of the Kubernetes tooling in mixed environments
- Using POSIX tooling within "native" Windows shells
- Current virtualization technologies caveats and proper usage
- Best practices for developing mixed-environment aware tools

About Rodrigue Cloutier
Rodrigue's unusual career path, starting in marine biology and progressing into game programming, allowed him build a solid experience in complex systems. As a senior technical lead at Ubisoft, he is now heading up the implementation of a new online platform, backed by Kubernetes, for future games. He is also involved in the community as a contributor on Kubernetes, minikube and Helm. Proud father of 3, Rodrigue lives in Montreal.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.