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From YouTube: Panel: The Open Container Initiative (OCI) and the Future of Container Standardization [I]


Panel: The Open Container Initiative (OCI) and the Future of Container Standardization [I] - Moderated by Chris Aniszczyk, Linux Foundation

With the proliferation and rapid growth of container-based solutions over the past few years-- including container-based solutions from almost all major IT vendors and cloud providers as well as emerging start-ups-- the industry needed a standard on which to support container formats and runtime. Enter the Open Container Initiative (OCI), established to help promote a set of common, minimal open standards and specifications around container formats and runtime. Setting a baseline de facto standard, OCI will soon release version 1.0 of its runtime and image format specifications, now ready to look at what’s next for the future of container standardization and distribution. Hear from OCI members who are experts in container technology as they discuss the project’s progress at large with special focus on what’s coming next after the v1.0 release and certification program launch. Additional discussion topics will include:

How the runtime and image format specs are driving broader innovation
The impact the v1.0 release will have on the container landscape
Implementations and use cases
Value and benefits of the certification program and what that means for container standards
Future plans for the OCI

About Chris Aniszczyk
Chris Aniszczyk is an engineer by trade with a passion for open source and building communities. At Twitter, he created their open source program and led their open source efforts. For many years he served on the Eclipse Foundation's Board of Directors representing the committer community and the Java Community Process Executive Committee. In a previous life, he bootstrapped a consulting company, made many mistakes, lead and hacked on many and Linux related projects. He is now the COO of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and VP of Developer Programs at The Linux Foundation.

About Vincent Batts
A mindful polyglot, Vincent Batts has spent the last 15 years participating in the Linux and open source community. Presently involved on the Open Containers Initiative as a maintainer and on the technical board. Still a current member of Slackware Core Team and has been a maintainer on the Docker project as well as the Go programming language for Fedora and Red Hat. He is currently working on all things container architecture in Red Hat's Office of Technology.

About Jeff Borek
Jeffrey Borek, WW Program Director, IBM - is a senior technology and communications executive with over twenty years of leadership and technical experience in the Software, Telecommunications, and Information Technology/Consulting industries. He is currently the ecosystem development lead for the Open Technologies and Partnerships team - working with clients, business partners, leading industry analysts, and various open source community initiatives including; the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), co-chair of the Certification Committee of the Open Container Initiative, and the Open API Initiative (OAI).

About Saurya Das
Program Manager, Microsoft

About Brandon Philips
Brandon Philips is helping to build modern Linux server infrastructure at CoreOS as CTO. Prior to CoreOS, he worked at Rackspace hacking on cloud monitoring and was a Linux kernel developer at SUSE. As a graduate of Oregon State's Open Source Lab he is passionate about open source technologies.
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