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From YouTube: Simplifying Container Operations with Habitat [B] - Michael Ducy, Chef


Simplifying Container Operations with Habitat [B] - Michael Ducy, Chef

Container Orchestration Systems make for a great operational experience for deploying and management of containers. But that’s only part of the story when running containers in production. How do you build containers that contain only what you need (like no build systems/tools)? How do you orchestrate configuration of your application after the containers have been launched? How do you make it easy to modify an application config while keeping the containers immutable? How can you give your developers a means to declare dependencies for their applications?

Habitat, our open-source project for application automation, simplifies container management by packaging applications in a compact, atomic, and easily auditable format that makes it easier to deploy your application on various container runtimes

About Michael Ducy
Michael Ducy currently works as a Director of Product Marketing for Chef focusing on helping companies understand Chef, DevOps, and IT transformation. Previously, Michael focused on designing and implementing automation solutions for customer’s Cloud, IT Automation, and Continuous Delivery needs. Michael has also worked in a variety of roles in his career including Cloud Architecture, Systems Engineering , Performance Engineering, and IT Instructor. Michael holds a Masters in Computer Science from the University of Chicago and an MBA from The Ohio State University.
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