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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: The Top 5 Kubernetes Metrics to Monitor - Jorge Salamero Sanz, Sysdig


Lightning Talk: The Top 5 Kubernetes Metrics to Monitor - Jorge Salamero Sanz, Sysdig

Data! There is so much of it. Especially given the move to distributed microservices, you're faced with an order of magnitude more data to deal with. How can you simplify your top-level monitoring focus into something manageable?

In this talk I'll focus on 5 of the top metrics that I believe will give you insight into whether or not you may have a problem in your environment.

About Jorge Salamero Sanz
Jorge enjoys monitoring all the things, from his Kubernetes clusters to writing sensors plugins and DIY projects with Raspberry PI and ESP8266. Currently he is part of the Sysdig team, and in the past was one of the promoters of HumanOps. When he is away from computers, you will find him walking with his 2 dogs across the countryside.
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