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From YouTube: Success of CRI: Bringing Hypervisor Based Container to Kubernetes [I] - Lei Zhang, HyperHQ


Success of CRI: Bringing Hypervisor Based Container to Kubernetes [I] - Lei Zhang, HyperHQ

CRI, aka Container Runtime Interface, is the new mechanism designed to plug any container runtime in Kubernetes. In this presentation, I will introduce how we introduce the hypervisor based container into Kubernetes as native container runtime by using CRI. And enables users to serve their customers directly with virtualized containers, instead of wrapping them inside of full blown VMs. CRI design principles and implementation details will be explained. As well as the essential differences between Kubernetes and other projects like SwarmKit and how made the choice. Today, many developers are not comfortable with Linux containers as an effective boundary, and requires for a stronger degree of isolation, particularly for those running in a multi-tenant environment. We believe HyperContainer with Kubernetes is one of the best answers.

About Lei Zhang
Phd candidate, and also a feature maintainer of Kubernetes project. I once worked for Cloud Foundry team in VMware and Baidu. Now as HyperCrew, the author team of world's leading open-source hypervisor based container. I mainly focus on Kubernetes upstream about scheduler and CRI stuff, responsible for leveraging HyperContainer as runtime for Kubernetes , which is also known as Hypernetes project. As a active community member, I was speaker of KubeCon 2016, LinuxCon 2016, and InfoQ Conference. As the Tech Lead of SEL lab of Zhejiang University, I have proposed my lab as the academic member of CNCF in 2015.
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