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From YouTube: A Survey of the OSS Tracing Ecosystem - Ben Sigelman & Ted Young, LightStep (Beginner Skill Level)


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A Survey of the OSS Tracing Ecosystem - Ben Sigelman & Ted Young, LightStep (Beginner Skill Level)

There has been great movement over the past two years in the tracing landscape. In this relatively short period of time, projects such as OpenTracing, Jaeger, and OpenCensus have joined Zipkin in the open source world. Additionally, there are multiple adjacent projects from observability and infrastructure that help proliferate the need and set up for tracing. Examples are Prometheus, Envoy, and a new w3c trace context standard. This talk will explain the complex landscape. We will cover: * The need for distributed tracing * The changes in tracing open source over the past two years * The core open-source tracing projects, their respective value propositions, and how they fit together and relate to one another * How other projects in infrastructure help reduce time to value for tracing projects * Best practices for today's software practitioners

About Ben
Ben Sigelman is the CEO and Cofounder of LightStep. He is an expert in diagnostics and performance analysis for complex software systems. He spent nine years at Google where he led the design and development of several global-scale monitoring systems. The most significant of these were Dapper, an always-on distributed tracing system, and Monarch, a high-availability timeseries collection, storage, and query system. Both systems continuously observe hundreds of millions of distinct services at Google. Ben is also the co-creator of the OpenTracing API standard and a frequent speaker about tracing and observability in production software at scale. He graduated with honors from Brown University with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Computer Science.

About Ted
Ted Young is a software engineer at LightStep. He has spent the last 15 years building distributed systems in a variety of environments: computer animation pipelines for VFX, national elections, and elastic compute platforms. Previously, he helped design the Diego Container Runtime for Cloud Foundry. Currently, he is focused on OpenTracing and tools for root cause analysis.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.