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From YouTube: Panel Discussion: Modern App Security Requires Containers – Moderated by Sean Michael Kerner


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Panel Discussion: Modern App Security Requires Containers – Moderated by Sean Michael Kerner, eWeek (Intermediate Skill Level)

Using containers, enterprises now have strong, secure-by-default primitives available for deploying apps to their infrastructure. Containers are enabling organizations to adopt better engineering practices like immutable infrastructure -- increasing deployment agility and reducing mean time to patch. Companies are thinking strategically about to securely manage their software supply chains. Moderated by eWeek's Senior Editor, Sean Michael Kerner, collaborators in the container ecosystem will share how containers are revolutionizing the way apps are secured and how we can expect container security to evolve in the future. The panel will also touch on open source projects Notary, TUF, SPIFFE, and OPA.

About Sean
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor and his coverage of the technology industry appears in Enterprise Networking Planet, eWeek and ServerWatch to name a few. Kerner is also an IT consultant, technology enthusiast and tinkerer, and has been known to spend his spare time immersed in the study of the Klingon language and satellite pictures of Area 51. He has pulled Token Ring, configured NetWare and has been known to compile his own Linux kernel. He consults to industry and media organizations on technology issues. Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

About Maya
Maya Kaczorowski is a Product Manager at Google, working in container security, and was previously the Product Manager for Google Cloud KMS.

About Justin
Justin Cappos is a professor in the Computer Science and Engineering department at New York University. His research includes the TUF project (which is hosted by the Linux Foundation / CNCF), which provides a compromise-resilient mechanism for the secure distribution of software. His research advances are adopted into production use by Docker, git, Python, VMware, Cloudflare, Digital Ocean, most Linux distributions, and many automobiles. Due to the practical impact of his work, Cappos was named to Popular Science's Brilliant 10 list in 2013 recognizing him as one of 10 brilliant scientists under 40.

About Torin
Torin Sandall is the technical lead of the open source Open Policy Agent project. Torin has spent his 10 years as a software engineer working on large-scale distributed systems projects. Torin has recently given talks on policy-related topics in Kubernetes at KubeCon, ContainerDaysPDX, Kubernetes meetups, and more. Prior to working on the Open Policy Agent project, Torin was a Senior Software Engineer at Cyan (acquired by Ciena) where he designed and developed core components of their SDN/NFV platform. Some examples of previous talks: How Netflix Is Solving Authorization At Scale (CloudNativeCon US 17): Enforcing Bespoke Policies in Kubernetes with Admission Controllers (CloudNativeCon US 17): CNCF project proposal for OPA:

About David
Lay security developer that has learned a lot of mistakes the hard way. David started off building authentication systems, moved on to encrypted cloud storage for a few years, and is now working on the Security Team at Docker, presently focused on securing software distribution

About Andrew
Andrew is the co-founder of Scytale, who are helping bring SPIFFE into the world. Find out more at Andrew is an engineer, and entrepreneur with a passion for building tools that help bring simplicity to software development. Prior to co-founding Scytale, Andrew was a product manager on Google’s Cloud Platform, launching many of the automation primitives on Google Compute Engine (including Auto-scaling, Managed Instance Groups, and Deployment Manager), helping improve developer workflow with the Spinnaker and Container Builder projects, and helping improve accessibility to developers and operations teams. As an Australian in the San Francisco Bay Area, Andrew spends most of his spare time trying to sell his Midwestern wife on the virtues of Vegemite.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.