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From YouTube: Writing Kubernetes Controllers for CRDs: Challenges, Approaches and Solutions - Alena Prokharchyk


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Writing Kubernetes Controllers for CRDs: Challenges, Approaches and Solutions - Alena Prokharchyk, Rancher Labs, Inc. (Intermediate Skill Level)

Kubernetes as a platform is at the stage where more and more features are being developed and deployed as external controllers. And writing an extension in most of the cases implies use of CRD - a Custom Resource Definition - to manage and represent the resources your application creates. During this talk we will go over the entire management cycle for CRD resource starting with defining types, schema and client, following by controlling the resource using informers and leveraging object's fields like: * Spec, Status, Metadata, Labels * Finalizers * Owner References * Conditions Each aspect of CRD management has its own challenges, and they will be highlighted along with the alternative solutions as a part of a live demo.

About Alena
Alena is a Principal Software Engineer at Rancher Labs, who's been working on building infrastructure services first for Virtual Machines, now for containers with main focus on Kubernetes. She enjoys helping others make sense of problems and explore solutions together. In her free time Alena enjoys rollerblading, reading books on totally random subjects and listening to other people's stories. Participated as a speaker in Kubecon 2016/2017 USA.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.