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From YouTube: Automation and the Kubernetes Contributor Experience - Aaron Crickenberger, Samsung SDS


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Machines Can Do The Work: Automation and the Kubernetes Contributor Experience - Aaron Crickenberger, Samsung SDS (Beginner Skill Level)

The decision to host a project of Kubernetes' scale on GitHub has led us to confront a number of unique challenges over the past three years, both technical and cultural. We were the most active project on GitHub in 2017 as measured by contributions beyond just code. This talk will walk you through a number of tools and processes we have developed to support this growth, including but not limited to: gubernator, mungegithub, prow, and testgrid By the end of the talk, contributors in the Kubernetes community will know more about how to use our existing automation to make their lives easier. Maintainers of other projects large or small will know how they can try out our automation on their project today.

About Aaron
Aaron has been involved in open source projects since 2007, cloud related projects since 2009, and Kubernetes since 2015. He was recently elected to the Kubernetes Steering Committee in 2017. He co-founded the Kubernetes Testing SIG, and actively contributes in the Architecture, Contributor Experience, Release, and Scalability SIGs. If you attend the weekly Kubernetes Community meetings, chances are you've seen him (or at least his beard.) He has participated in every Kubernetes release since v1.4, holding roles involving: release notes, issue triage, and CI signal. In previous lives he's implemented a database as a service offering in a public cloud, managed a fleet of cloud foundry deployments on cruise ships, and worked on a blackhawk flight simulator built inside of a shipping container.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.