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From YouTube: Performance and Scale @ Istio Service Mesh - Fawad Khaliq, Laurent Demailly & Surya V Duggirala


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Performance and Scale @ Istio Service Mesh - Fawad Khaliq, VMware Inc, Laurent Demailly, Google & Surya V Duggirala, IBM (Intermediate Skill Level)

In this session, members from Istio Performance and Scalability working group will talk about the work they have done over the past few months on performance and scalability using a four pronged approach: microservices applications across multiple industry domains, synthetic end to end per component load generation using Fortio, code level micro benchmarks and integration with the test and release. In this session, we will discuss best practices and tuning guidelines for effectively using Istio service mesh to obtain best performance and scalability. This session also talks about Istio performance characteristics on multiple cloud platforms including Kubernetes with few pointers on what to expect in the coming releases.

About Surya
Surya Duggirala is IBM STSM responsible for Architecture and Performance Engineering of IBM Watson and Cloud Platform. He directs a globally distributed team and chairs IBM Cloud performance engineering Guild. He also works closely with various Open Technology Communities and jointly leads various industry Workgroups on Performance and Optimization with other Cloud Providers in the industry. His special interests include designing microservices applications using scripting and cognitive technologies targeted for cloud. As a Global Technical Ambassador (GTA), he works with many customers, partners and ISVs across the world on cloud, application integration, performance and architecture. He has over 20 years of experience in various fields of the computer industry including application architecture and performance.

About Laurent
Laurent is one of the core contributors to Istio. He spent 20 years
so far in top companies and small startups alike in Silicon Valley, currently works at Google after almost 6 years at Facebook's core infrastructure. He has been an open source advocate and contributor since the dawn of the web and is a large scale distributed systems expert. Laurent holds a PhD in Distributed Systems.

About Fawad
Fawad is a senior software engineer at VMware working on Istio, APIs and microservices. Previously, he was a technical lead for the Cloud Group at PLUMgrid, a network virtualization and security startup. He has worked in the networking and distributed systems domain for several years and has been an open source contributor to various OSS projects. His current work is focused on service mesh and Istio.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.