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From YouTube: SIG Storage (K8s) Intro - Saad Ali, Google (Any Skill Level)


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SIG Storage (K8s) Intro - Saad Ali, Google (Any Skill Level)

Join Kubernetes SIG Storage to learn about the areas of our focus, what we are working on currently, and how you can get involved. Veteran SIG Storage members will be on hand to help answer questions.

About Saad
Saad Ali is a senior software engineer at Google where he works on the open-source Kubernetes project. He joined the project in December 2014, and has led the development of the Kubernetes storage and volume subsystem. He serves as a lead of the Kubernetes Storage SIG, and is co-author and maintainer of the Container Storage Interface initiative. Prior to Google, he worked at Microsoft where he led the development of the IMAP protocol for
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