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From YouTube: WG App Def - Intro – Antoine Legrand, Red Hat & Gareth Rushgrove, Docker (Any Skill Level)


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WG App Def - Intro – Antoine Legrand, Red Hat & Gareth Rushgrove, Docker (Any Skill Level)

With Kubernetes emerging as the clear leader in orchestration, more tools are being developed to manage the lifecycle of Kubernetes applications. How can we help authors to coordinate their efforts to focus on smaller components that are interoperable with the rest of the ecosystem? How can we help provide a clean user experience around using declarative primitives? How do the community’s use cases affect their application lifecycle management needs?

Those are some the questions being discussed in the new “app-definition” working group.
The talk will explore these questions and explain what progress the working group is making on each, including demos of the prototypes, explaining the current proposals, go through what has been tried, rejected, accepted, and what we’ll work on next.

About Antoine Legrand
Antoine Legrand is a software engineer at CoreOS co-leading the working-group 'app-definition' and works closely with major actors in the ecosystem to improve the user experience in managing application in Kubernetes. Antoine is involved with open source and cloud native software projects, and for the past two years has helped the community and led related projects including Kubespray, kpm, and app-registry.

About Gareth Rushgrove
Gareth Rushgrove is a product manager at Docker. He works remotely from Cambridge, UK, helping to build interesting tools for people to better manage infrastructure and applications. Previously he worked for the UK Government Digital Service focused on infrastructure, operations and information security. When not working he can be found curating the Devops Weekly newsletter or hacking on software in new-fangled programming languages.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.