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From YouTube: Kubernetes on Supporting $8 Trillion Card Payments in China - Xin Zhang & Deyuan Deng


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Kubernetes on Supporting $8 Trillion Card Payments in China - Xin Zhang & Deyuan Deng, Caicloud (Any Skill Level)

Kubernetes use cases are far less heard in the financial industry in China, because the core financial system consists of complex brownfield; applications that are not Kubernetes-friendly, and require better quality of service, fine-grained resource management, and stringent security guarantees. Nevertheless, the digitalization trend urges Chinese banks to transform their business to the Internet-style where Kubernetes can shine. We share a real journey of augmenting Kubernetes to support core services for the largest financial institute in China with $8 Trillion card payment value yearly. We share our architectural design and techniques to overcome the aforementioned challenges, including a unified networking control plane, a hardened security and access control-plane, a full-fledged multi-tenant management layer, supporting FSI applications with custom controllers, etc.

About Xin
Xin is currently CEO and co-founder of Caicloud (, a startup that fosters Kubernetes community in China and provides Kubernetes-based products and services for Fortune 500 Chinese enterprises. Before founding Caicloud, Xin was a Googler for almost 4 years working on Cluster Management and Google Cloud Platform, with close relationship to Borg and the early Kubernetes. Xin obtained his Ph.D in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University, during which he has published 30 research articles in top-notch venues and delivered about 10 academic speeches at international conferences around the globe to over thousands of audience.

About Deyuan
Deyuan is currently CTO and co-founder of Caicloud (, a startup that promotes Kubernetes in Chinese community and enterprises. He leads the in-house Kubernetes research and development and has successfully launched Kubernetes-based toolings and platform in tens of Chinese enterprises in production. Deyuan has given talks in Kubernetes meetups across multiple cities in China. He also presented in infoQ and CSDN in China to promote enterprise Kubernetes use cases to contribute to Kubernetes ecosystem. Before co-founding Caicloud, Deyuan was a Googler for about two years working on cluster management system. He was also one of the early members in Kubernetes. Deyuan obtained his Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering in Carnegie Mellon University. He is a technology enthusiast - he has participated in international robotics contest (Robocon), in which he claimed the Grand Prix and published papers based on his innovation.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.