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From YouTube: Observability and Debugging Cloud-Native Apps using Linkerd & Conduit - Franziska von der Goltz


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Observability and the Depths of Debugging Cloud-Native Applications using Linkerd and Conduit - Franziska von der Goltz, Buoyant, Inc (Intermediate Skill Level)

Observability and monitoring are different, but complementary, needs for production applications. While monitoring focuses on measuring the overall health of your systems, observability aims to provide granular metrics that describe the behavior of your systems along with their context. Due to both its architecture and focus on providing observability, the service mesh can be a powerful debugging solution when trying to figure out what went wrong with your cloud native applications. In this talk, Franziska shows you how to debug your Kubernetes applications using features of a service mesh in tandem with use of other CNCF projects like OpenTracing. She compares and contrast two different debugging techniques using both Linkerd and Conduit. After attending this talk, you’ll be able to use either approach to debug your Kubernetes-based applications.

About Franziska
Franziska von der Goltz is a software development engineer working on open-source service mesh technology at Buoyant. Prior to Buoyant, she was a part of the education team at the Hackbright Academy in San Francisco, an engineering school for women with a mission to change the ratio in the tech industry. When she’s not writing code, she loves traveling, enjoys tea, and worries about speaking at conferences like KubeCon.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.