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From YouTube: Operating a Global-Scale FaaS on Top of Kubernetes - Chad Arimura & Matt Stephenson, Oracle


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Operating a Global-Scale FaaS on Top of Kubernetes - Chad Arimura & Matt Stephenson, Oracle (Any Skill Level)

This talk will cover the why and how of building a global-scale FaaS using the serverless Fn Project on top of Kubernetes. Focusing on the process of designing and building the service to operate under the most demanding production workloads, the talk will cover the following topics: - Visualizing the flow of traffic from request through DNS, FnLB, K8s node ports, pods, and back - Tuning k8s for massive-scale short-lived pods/containers - Managing resource utilization and auto-scaling of infrastructure inside and above Kubernetes - Optimization and routing of traffic to “hot” nodes for increased performance - Using Helm and DB/queue operators to manage dependent services - Quirks and other unexpected issues discovered along the way If time permits I will end with a live demo of the system working under load and how it responds.

About Chad
Chad is a 3x entrepreneur, with over 20 years experience leading technical teams and building software, most recently as co-founder and CEO of where they grew a multi-million dollar ARR business helping pioneer serverless computing. The company was acquired in 2017 and Chad and team joined Oracle. He is now Vice President of Serverless at Oracle, currently leading The Fn Project, open source serverless FaaS platform and orchestration. He still likes to code, preferably in front of a live audience, and speaks quite often about serverless computing, entrepreneurship, building teams, culture, and other topics.

About Matt
Matt is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Oracle working on creating a hosted Fn implementation on top of Oracle's Cloud. He built some of the underlying infrastructure components that run parts of AWS while at Amazon as well as the AppEngine java runtime while at Google. Matt is on the PMC for Apache jclouds and contributes to Jenkins, OpenStack, and of course the Fn Project. In his free time he helps design the man at Burningman and flies airplanes.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.