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From YouTube: OPA: The Cloud Native Policy Engine - Torin Sandall, Styra (Intermediate Skill Level)


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OPA: The Cloud Native Policy Engine - Torin Sandall, Styra (Intermediate Skill Level)

How does your organization control;who can do: what across the stack? How do you enforce auth/z, admission control, and risk management policies in your micro-services, orchestrators, and CI/CD systems? How do you implement low-latency policy enforcement in the polyglot environments that your company depends on? In this talk we introduce the Open Policy Agent (OPA) project. OPA is an open source policy engine used by companies like Netflix and Medallia to enforce rules consistently, up and down the stack. We will showcase OPA features like hot-reload, tracing, and optimizations with demos of auth/z and admission control policies. Finally we will show how to integrate your services with OPA and provide examples of integrations for projects like Kubernetes, Istio, and more. Attendees can expect to walk away with fresh ideas about how to achieve fine-grained control throughout their systems.

About Torin
Torin Sandall is the technical lead of the open source Open Policy Agent project. Torin has spent his 10 years as a software engineer working on large-scale distributed systems projects. Torin has recently given talks on policy-related topics in Kubernetes at KubeCon, ContainerDaysPDX, Kubernetes meetups, and more. Prior to working on the Open Policy Agent project, Torin was a Senior Software Engineer at Cyan (acquired by Ciena) where he designed and developed core components of their SDN/NFV platform. Some examples of previous talks: How Netflix Is Solving Authorization At Scale (CloudNativeCon US 17): Enforcing Bespoke Policies in Kubernetes with Admission Controllers (CloudNativeCon US 17): CNCF project proposal for OPA:
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.