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From YouTube: Git-push Workflows (using git hooks) for Deploying Applications - Tanmai Gopal & Vamshi Surabhi Rao


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Git-push Workflows (using git hooks) for Deploying Applications on Kubernetes - Tanmai Gopal & Vamshi Surabhi Rao, Hasura (Intermediate Skill Level)

Tanmai will start with a motivation of why git-based tooling is useful for teams and then cover a set of functional requirements (secrets, templating for mutiple-envs, existing CI/CD integration etc.) that dev teams need for a good git-based deployment workflow. Then after a brief review of current tooling, Tanmai will propose an architecture for a DIY tooling setup that will allow developers to setup their own git-push based workflow for kubernetes. The talk will delve into step-by-step implementation detail and touch upon how git-hooks works. Vamshi will go into more detail regarding the pre-push and the pre-receive hooks. Tanmai will then wrap up with a demo (if possible/recorded), followed by links to boilerplates and resources for the attendees.

About Tanmai
Tanmai runs a startup, Hasura, where they've built a PaaS on Kubernetes. They were early adopters in the container ecosystem (pre-1.0 adopters for both Docker and Kubernetes) and have grown and contributed to the ecosystem as a company especially in India. Before this, Tanmai ran a small and successful consulting and services agency where their work included everything from MVPs for startups to helping one of the largest banks in the world migrate from legacy monoliths to containerised microservices. Tanmai has been building applications for over 8 years now with a variety of frameworks. He is a firm advocate of democratising the power to develop applications and proudly teach the largest tech MOOC in India,! Tanmai is a frequent speaker at conferences, events/meetups in India & Singapore. Most of his recent talks/presentations/demos have been around kubernetes. Some conferences he's been spotted speaking at include: ContainerConf, FunctionalConf, IEEE CCEM.

About Vamshi
Vamshi heads engineering at Hasura. He was instrumental in leading Docker and Kubernetes adoption at Hasura and spotted its opportunity and utility to the dev-community in its nascent stages. Although Vamshi's Masters work was with JVM internals and compiler optimisations, he has since built expertise in the Haskell and kubernetes ecosystem. In fact, he was one of the first people in the community to write a Kubernetes operator (which now powers the Hasura platform). Vamshi's latest work at Hasura is setting up a declarative infrastructure provisioning system. Vamshi is an occasional speaker at niche meetups and conferences (FunctionalConf), especially his experiences and work with Haskell.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.