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From YouTube: CRI: The Second Boom of Container Runtimes - Harry Zhang & Xu Wang, HyperHQ


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CRI: The Second Boom of Container Runtimes - Harry Zhang & Xu Wang, HyperHQ (Intermediate Skill Level)

Containers did have a boom when Docker Inc bring this concept to industry for the fist time. We then had Docker and rkt, we witnessed the start of runC and OCI. And then with the rise of Kubernetes community, all those container runtimes begin to become quite and hidden behind the orchestration layer, which is expected. But in 2017, we begin to hear more voice of container runtimes again. cri-o, containerd, Kata. But why? In this talk, we would like to say something about technical details of CRI, the killer weapon which brought new energy to "boring" container runtimes. We will introduce what is CRI spec and shim, how they are designed, how they work with CNI and CSI, also, what's the difference between those shims and why Kata is special. We will also demo how to write a CRI shim from zero. The second boom of containers is around, while this time it happens in Kubernetes community.

About Xu
Xu Wang is the CTO and Cofounder of Hyper HQ, and an initial member of Kata Containers Architecture Committee. HyperHQ created hypervisor-based open source container runtime runV (secure as VM, fast as container). runV merged with clear containers from Intel, and become Kata Containers project in Dec 2017. Hyper HQ provides, a runV/kata based container native Cloud. Before founded HyperHQ, Xu worked in a public cloud in China since 2011 and was working for China Mobile cloud team during 2007 to 2011. Xu had experiences on Linux Kernel, virtualization, container, and distributed storage system. And he is also a technical writer and translator on Linux, virtualization, NoSQL etc.

About Harry
Microsoft MVP of cloud computing. Feature maintainer of Kubernetes project. Mainly working on scheduling, CRI and hypervisor based container runtime i.e. KataContainers. Focusing on kube-scheduler, kubelet and secure container runtime on Kubernetes upstream as well as Hypernetes project. An active community advocator, tech speaker of LinuxCon, KubeCon, OpenStack Summit etc. Once published the book ""Docker and Kubernetes Under The Hood"" which is the best seller of container cloud area in China.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.