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From YouTube: From PaaS to Kubernetes: Combining the Power of Kubernetes with the Most Innovative Features


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From PaaS to Kubernetes: Combining the Power of Kubernetes with the Most Innovative Features of PaaS - William Denniss, Google (Beginner Skill Level)

The PaaS application deployment model innovated by abstracting away the infrastructure layer and pioneered production deployments from version control – but at a cost of portability, and flexibility. This talk covers how to wire up Kubernetes to get the best elements of a PaaS like push-to-deploy, and infrastructure abstraction, while gaining the flexibility, portability and interoperability that Kubernetes offers. Topics covered will include ways to use Kubernetes without needing to be on-call (no more 3am phone calls!), and why it makes sense to start with Kubernetes, even for early-stage products using a single-node cluster. This presentation isn't about running a PaaS on Kubernetes or hiding the Kubernetes API from application developers, it's is about applying the best elements from the PaaS pattern, while keeping all the innovations and flexibility of Kubernetes.

About William
William is a Product Manager at Google on Google Kubernetes Engine. He chairs the Kubernetes Conformance working group, and has a passion for interoperability and developer experience. Previously he worked in the OAuth community, authoring RFC 8252 and creating AppAuth, the leading open source OAuth client for native apps. In 2017 he presented talks at DockerCon, Google Cloud Next Tokyo and KubeCon Austin.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.