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From YouTube: Jenkins X: Easy CI/CD for Kubernetes - James Strachan, CloudBees (Intermediate Skill Level)


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Jenkins X: Easy CI/CD for Kubernetes - James Strachan, CloudBees (Intermediate Skill Level)

This talk will introduce you to a new open source project, Jenkins X, which is an open source CI / CD platform for Kubernetes based on Jenkins. After a short introduction James will spent most of the talk demonstrating how to develop applications with CI / CD on Kubernetes with Jenkins X: easily setup your own CI / CD system on your cloud of choice using standard tools: kubernetes, draft, helm, jenkins * quickly create new microservices or import existing projects with automated CI / CD * use Pull Requests to trigger CI, Preview Environments, human approval then a full CD release * use automated provisioning to Preview, Testing, Staging & Production environments via helm charts and GitOps After this talk you should be able to develop cloud native apps at full speed with automated CI / CD in any language on any kubernetes cluster! Lest go faster!

About James
I work on CI + CD for Kubernetes with Jenkins for CloudBees. I'm the lead architect of Jenkins X. I also created the Groovy programming language, Apache Camel & was a founder of fabric8 & ActiveMQ. I've spoken at many conferences over the years (DevOxx, QCon, JavaOne, JFokus, ...) but never KubeCon!
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.