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From YouTube: Keynote: Reperforming a Nobel Prize Discovery on Kubernetes - Ricardo Rocha & Lukas Heinrich


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Keynote: Reperforming a Nobel Prize Discovery on Kubernetes - Ricardo Rocha, Computing Engineer & Lukas Heinrich, Physicist, CERN

Back in 2012, CERN announced one of its most important achievements, the discovery of the Higgs boson leading to the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics. In this presentation, we will redo the data analysis that led to it, this time on top of Kubernetes, the new infrastructure stack growing in popularity in the laboratory. The analysis submission will be done via a jupyter notebook into a small cluster on our private cloud, and both the application and the cluster itself will automatically scale out to exhaust resources - we will detail our setup and deployment decisions on the way. Then we will show how the work being done in the Multicluster SIG helps us define a set of placement and scheduling policies to scale out to external clouds. The end result will be a physicist’s dream: a histogram with a spike that back in 2012 indicated the discovery of a new particle.