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From YouTube: Istio on Knative Lessons Learned: How Istio is Fit for Serverless Platform - Ying Chun Guo


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Istio on Knative Lessons Learned: How Istio is Fit for Serverless Platform - Ying Chun Guo & Iris Ding, IBM

Serverless is the emerging technology to support microservices. Istio is a popular service mesh platform. How Istio is fit for a serverless platform? It's a question that developers and users of both serverless and Istio shall look at. Knative, a Kubernetes native serverless platform, relies on Istio to provide routing, logging, tracing and metrics support for its serverless platform. In this session, we will discover how Istio is leveraged in Knative, analyze and showcase the advantages and disadvantages that Istio brings to Knative. Finally, we will summarize the lessons learned when utilizing Istio on serverless platform.