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From YouTube: M3 and Prometheus, Monitoring at Planet Scale for Everyone - Rob Skillington, Uber


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M3 and Prometheus, Monitoring at Planet Scale for Everyone - Rob Skillington, Uber

For the past few years Prometheus has solved the monitoring needs of many and it is exceptional at what it does. Prometheus has exploded in popularity and now many wish to store more metrics, at longer retention and establish a single pane of glass on top of Prometheus for their monitoring needs across regions. M3 is an open source metrics platform that you can deploy and run using Kubernetes and Helm that integrates with Prometheus. It can store petabytes of metrics data with replication for high availability in a cost efficient manner, with compaction averse time series storage and index that can efficiently index and run dimension based regexp queries on billions of metrics. Using a real world example we will cover in this talk how to deploy M3Coordinator and M3DB using the M3 Kubernetes operator and connect your Prometheus instances together into a single global monitoring system.