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From YouTube: Deploy, Scale and Extend Jaeger - Louis-Etienne Dorval, Ticketmaster


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Deploy, Scale and Extend Jaeger - Louis-Etienne Dorval, Ticketmaster

Distributed Tracing has been a hot topic in the last few years. While a lot has been said about the benefits of having tracing as well as how to instrument your (micro?) services, this talk will instead focus on how we deployed, scaled and extended Jaeger at Ticketmaster. We will look into how we drove adoption internally as well as the strategies that were put in place to scale it as it gained traction. We’ll cover the first few pull requests needed to get the ball rolling and the lessons learned while helping different development teams get started. We will share how the architecture of Jaeger enabled us to deploy it inside Kubernetes as a multi-region cluster used by application all across our hybrid cloud and explore the various extension points that are available.