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From YouTube: Istio New Workload Identity Provision Pipeline Based on Envoy SDS - Quanjie Lin & Diem Vu, Google


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Istio New Workload Identity Provision Pipeline Based on Envoy SDS - Quanjie Lin & Diem Vu, Google

Istio introduces a new workload identity provision system based on envoy SDS (secret discovery service) from release-1.1; as the main developer who works on this project, my talk covers: 1. Background topics like what is envoy SDS, the motivation why the new system is introduced; 2. High level end-to-end architecture, deep dive into some design decisions we made during development; 3. CNCF projects we leveraged during development (kubernetes, envoy, helm, spiffe etc); 4. Real enterprise customers’ user cases that built on top of this new system in production; 5. How to plug customer CA into the new system for your user case. From this talk, audience will get better understanding of designing/using service mesh’s identity system from first-hand development experience, and how to build a system by leveraging CNCF projects. [Note: I could demo if time allowed]