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From YouTube: Intro: SPIFFE - Emiliano Bernbaum & Scott Emmons, Scytale


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Intro: SPIFFE - Emiliano Bernbaum & Scott Emmons, Scytale

Modern software development relies on many microservices working together, that in production may be distributed over different middleware systems, container schedulers, PaaS platforms and even different cloud providers. As production environments become more complex, and dynamic - establishing trust between microservices is becomes more difficult, creating challenges for developers, operations teams, and security teams alike. Enter SPIFFE (Secure Production Infrastructure for Everyone) and which builds on designs first championed at Google, Twitter and elsewhere to provide robust authentication and trust between disparate micro-services. SPIFFE and SPIRE make it trivial to establish trust between workloads that may be elastically scaled and dynamically scheduled, and deployed in deeply heterogeneous environments. We'll walk through the design goals for SPIFFE (a specification) and SPIRE (a multi-cloud implementation of SPIFFE). We will go over all the developments and progress in SPIRE over the last few months. We will present an overview of how it can be used in conjunction with Kubernetes to build secure and scalable microservice architectures. We will also share our current roadmap with the community.