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From YouTube: Build a Kubernetes Based Cloud Native Storage Solution From Scratch - Sheng Yang, Rancher Labs


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Build a Kubernetes Based Cloud Native Storage Solution From Scratch - Sheng Yang, Rancher Labs

When it comes to cloud-native and container-ready storage, most industry discussions focus on how to make existing storage systems work with Kubernetes/Docker. But the rapid development of SSD technology, along with container and Kubernetes, make it possible to create a more elegant solution from scratch, compared to the storage technologies exist tens of years ago.

So they have created a storage solution based on Kubernetes

In Longhorn, control flow is driven by Kubernetes's controller model; deployment is done using Kubernetes workload; HA is backed by Kubernetes's HA capability. Though sometimes it's easy to say than done. As a result, lots of insights were gained on how to write an application based on Kubernetes. In this talk, Sheng Yang will give a talk about the experience and insights he has gained as a part of building a Cloud Native storage solution on Kubernetes.