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From YouTube: Tutorial: Back to Basics: Hands-On Deployment of Stateful Workloads on Kubernetes - David Zhu


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Tutorial: Back to Basics: Hands-On Deployment of Stateful Workloads on Kubernetes - David Zhu, Google & Jan Šafránek, Red Hat

Ever wonder how to use a “volumeClaimTemplate”? Why you would choose a StatefulSet over a Deployment or vice versa? Complicated stateful applications are normally deployed via operators; however, it is critical to have a firm grasp on the Kubernetes primitives to understand, fine-tune, and debug your applications. In this tutorial you will learn about core Kubernetes storage and workloads concepts and how to use them to deploy stateful applications. You will get hands-on experience deploying both Cassandra and a test application on a Kubernetes cluster and learn how to debug some common errors in the process. You will develop mental models to understand the workings of StatefulSets along with how to compare them with other Kubernetes workload models such as Deployments and DaemonSets to determine the right workload for your purposes. Prerequisites: Laptop Basic UNIX command line experience