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From YouTube: Intro: CoreDNS - Daniel Garcia, Infoblox & Michael Grosser, Okkur Labs


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Intro: CoreDNS - Daniel Garcia, Infoblox & Michael Grosser, Okkur Labs

CoreDNS is a flexible and extensible DNS server with a focus on service discovery. Best known for its ability to serve as the cluster DNS of Kubernetes, CoreDNS is now the default DNS and part of the Kubernetes release since 1.13. The flexibility and extensibility of CoreDNS comes from its unique plugin-based architecture and its easy to use Corefile configurations. In this Intro session, we will update the current state and the road map of CoreDNS for the near future. We will share feedbacks from the community about CoreDNS intergration in Kubernetes 1.13. The progress of DNS resolver support will be discussed heavily as well, since there are lots of interests from the community. At the end of the session we will show several Corefile examples that is commonly configured and used in different scenarios to help getting started with CoreDNS.