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From YouTube: The Serverless Landscape and Event Driven Futures - Dee Kumar, CNCF


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The Serverless Landscape and Event Driven Futures - Dee Kumar, CNCF

Serverless design patterns have grown in popularity amongst developers and enterprises alike and the ecosystem is exploding. Developers like moving faster by focusing on business logic without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Today, there are umpteen solutions and OSS projects in the market and the space needs some organization to maximize effort. There is a lot of curiosity and confusion around serverless computing. What is it? Who is it for? Is it a replacement for IaaS, PaaS, and containers? Does that mean the days of servers are over? The CNCF created the Serverless Working Group to explore the intersection of cloud native and serverless technology. The first output of the group was creation of serverless landscape. The landscape lists some of the more common/popular Serverless projects, platforms, tooling, and services.