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From YouTube: 2 Years of TGIKubernetes - Joe Beda, VMware


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2 Years of TGIKubernetes - Joe Beda, VMware

2 years ago Joe Beda tweeted about a Friday afternoon “Hacking on Kubernetes with Joe”. The overall interest was overwhelming. Fast forward 2 years we have over 60 episodes of TGIK8s starring Joe from Heptio. The sessions serve as an archive of Kubernetes and cloud native knowledge that we share with the broader open source community. What started out as a fun carefree afternoon with Joe, later turned into one of the most prized cloud native resources on the internet. Join us as we talk about the lessons we learned, and talk about the struggle to get to wear we are today.

We learn about how Kubernetes empowers engineers to “test drive” open source software at faster iteration cycles than ever before. With TGIK8s we have inadvertently discovered that sharing technology can cost an organization less in resources than encouraging independent evaluation of tooling.