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From YouTube: What WePay Learned From Processing Billions of Dollars on GKE Using Linkerd - Mohsen Rezaei, WePay


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What WePay Learned From Processing Billions of Dollars on GKE Using Linkerd - Mohsen Rezaei, WePay

WePay processes billions of dollars worth of payments each year. As the number of services that process payment requests grow in WePay’s infrastructure, so does the challenge of monitoring, debugging, and tracing call paths and service internals that run on GKE. This session focuses on how the Platform Infrastructure & Tools team at WePay utilized monitoring services like Prometheus and Grafana to migrate their ever growing infrastructure and all of their production traffic (REST and gRPC) to service mesh on top of Linkerd in 2018. In addition, we will show how we used Namerd to bring all services together using discovery, Linkerd to power the data plane where the payments are processed and parsed behind WePay’s payment APIs, and Prometheus and NewRelic to monitor all infrastructure services' and microservices' activities in our production environment.