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From YouTube: Building an Enterprise-ready Lambda Experience (with Hands-On Demo) - Alexandre González Rodríguez


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Building an Enterprise-ready Lambda Experience (with Hands-On Demo) - Alexandre González Rodríguez, BBVA Next Technologies & Héctor Rodes López, Adhara

To create a lambda experience is easy, to do that in a mission-critical environment is not that easy. We will talk about two parallel journies: how we implemented this at BBVA (an international 100 years old bank with more than 130 thousand employees, 10% of them being IT professionals). We´ll cover all the main decisions that we took in our path to serverless and the tradeoffs that we accepted. As a complement to this, we will implement in stage a simpler version of this experience using out of the box Kubernetes features like CRDs. There are certain thoughts that you need to keep in mind when you are planning a serverless solution in your company: usability, extensibility, security, resiliency, to use a market solution or build our own, logs, metrics… in the end, how do we make this tool part of our toolset seamlessly and production ready from the first minute.