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From YouTube: Grow with Less Pains - Meshing From Monolith to Microservices - Leo LIang


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Grow with Less Pains - Meshing From Monolith to Microservices - Leo LIang, Cruise Automation

This talk will walk you through the adventure, learnings and culture shift on how we evolve A high growth sartup architecture into microservice world; We used L5D, Consul, Nginx, Prometheus, and customized L5D plugins to build up the service mesh that is taking care of billions of request every day. The service mesh manages all traffic from edge to Inter-services and is working with a heterogeneous type of service nodes from EC2 box, ECS, K8S to Lambda. The flexibility, observability and stability enable the business and teams to move fast with confidence. Contentof the presentation will be from 1st 2rd 3rd