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From YouTube: Mutual TLS Adoption Made Simple, Safe and Secure - Lizan Zhou, Tetrate & Jianfei Hu, Google


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Mutual TLS Adoption Made Simple, Safe and Secure - Lizan Zhou, Tetrate & Jianfei Hu, Google

Rolling out mutual TLS to service meshes is challenging. In the real world, service mesh adoptions are incremental. Services deployment are heterogenous, consisting of workloads with or without sidecar, able or unable to speak mutual TLS, on both client and server side. Coordinating the mutual TLS rolling out with service mesh adoption is hard. In this talk, Jianfei and Lizan will explain the lessons learned from the last several years experience. Specifically, we walk through Envoy innovations to address the problem on both client and server side: TLS sniffing on the server side and per endpoint mutual TLS labeling mechanism on the client side. In the end, we show how these techniques combined together to offer a frictionless user journey to adopt mutual TLS safely.