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From YouTube: Easy, Secure and Fast - Using NATS for Data Streams and Services - Colin Sullivan, Synadia


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Easy, Secure and Fast - Using NATS for Data Streams and Services - Colin Sullivan, Synadia

Distributed systems architecture has been disrupted via decomposition as cloud technology has matured - we’ve seen a migration from monolithic applications to microservices coordinating across large scale deployments. This has created a need for flexible deployments, secure and transparent data sharing, multiple communication patterns, location transparency, and the decoupling of data producers and consumers. NATS is a cloud-native messaging project that addresses these needs. While cloud-native, NATS and can also run on-premise, edge and even endpoints. In this discussion, we'll introduce you to NATS: how NATS came to be, its DNA and cover some of the problems that it solves. We’ll describe common messaging patterns, when to use them, and design principles to create NATS enabled cloud-native applications. For more information be sure to follow this up with the NATS deep dive!