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From YouTube: Scaling Telepresence Across Your Organization - Abhay Saxena, Datawire


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Scaling Telepresence Across Your Organization - Abhay Saxena, Datawire

Adopting Kubernetes often forces tradeoffs related to your cloud native software development lifecycle, particularly in relation to the inner development and debugging loops. End-to-end verification of a system consisting of 10+ microservices is simply not possible, so many developers use the CNCF-hosted Telepresence two-way proxy to solve this problem. This works very well, individually. But how do you scale these strategies across a whole organization? Learn from the experiences of the primary Telepresence maintainer: - Watch a demonstration of how Telepresence swap deployment does a good job for one developer who owns a cluster - Learn how this can be scaled with multiple clusters and namespaces, and understand the tradeoffs of this approach - Explore how the new Telepresence intercept enables a larger team to work together without needing multiple clusters and namespaces