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From YouTube: Booting 5 K8s Clusters on Every Git Push: How Linkerd Leveled Up Its CI - Andrew Seigner, Buoyant


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Booting 5 K8s Clusters on Every Git Push: How Linkerd Leveled Up Its CI - Andrew Seigner, Buoyant

In mid-2019, the Linkerd project's CI took 45 minutes, all tests were serialized on a single Kubernetes cluster, and multi-hour backups were common. A migration onto one-off Kubernetes in Docker (kind) clusters got CI below 10 minutes, and made it parallelizable. This talk will detail Linkerd's CI journey from a single, persistent Kubernetes cluster to theoretically unlimited one-off kind clusters. This journey includes a few detours on what patterns and tools worked well (and not-so-well) for Linkerd's use case. Attendees can expect a live demonstration of Linkerd's CI workflow, including automated cluster setup, test, and teardown. Folks should walk away from this talk with a grounded, end-user story of how to efficiently test their Kubernetes applications in CI.