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From YouTube: Do The Math: Auto-Scaling Applications with Kubernetes - Antoine Hamon, Nephely


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Do The Math: Auto-Scaling Applications with Kubernetes - Antoine Hamon, Nephely

What better place is there to host applications but inside a Kubernetes cluster? Yet what feature is more under-estimated than pod auto-scaling? Yes pod auto-scaling can be really hard, especially when searching for an optimized configuration. Whatever the application, goals are always the same: making sure our pods are able to scale-up quickly enough so users don't ever face any latency nor HTTP/5xx, while keeping the cost as low as possible. As both goals directly leverage the other, the complexity is all about finding the correct balance. Instead of putting the regular 80% CPU utilization threshold (which is sometimes fine-tuned with load-testing and/or feedback monitoring), would it be possible to have a more mathematical approach to solve this problem? During this talk Antoine will present one he created and explain how to utilize it within Kubernetes.