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From YouTube: Multi-cluster Made Reasonable: Envoy Service Mesh Control Plane - Ashley Kasim & Paul Fisher, Lyft


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Multi-cluster Made Reasonable: Envoy Service Mesh Control Plane - Ashley Kasim & Paul Fisher, Lyft

Lyft runs business critical microservices sharded across multiple independent Kubernetes clusters in an Envoy service mesh, enabling services to autoscale and serve rides in the face of Kubernetes cluster and backplane failures. Existing Envoy control plane solutions are complex and can be difficult to span multiple clusters. Ashley and Paul's talk covers the design and implementation of Dyplomat — Lyft’s simple cloud-agnostic open source Envoy control plane. Built on top of Envoy's Go Control Plane, Dyplomat bridges together multiple Kubernetes clusters and legacy infrastructure. The talk demonstrates how to scale a production service mesh to hundreds of microservices running across multiple clusters spanning thousands of nodes.