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From YouTube: SpoK - Running Big Data Applications @ Scale on K8s - Srivathsan Canchi & Nagaraj Janardhana, Intuit


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SpoK - Running Big Data Applications @ Scale on K8s - Srivathsan Canchi & Nagaraj Janardhana, Intuit

At Intuit, customer data sets are growing exponentially with the growth of the business and the capabilities offered. Processing this data and making it available for downstream applications such as ML, Analytics, Exploration etc. is crucial. Following the trend of running the services workload on Kubernetes, we built a data processing platform with Spark on Kubernetes as the backbone. This allowed us to reap all the benefits of well established processes for CI/CD, security and cluster management. With these we were able to reduce the cost footprint of our data processing jobs by 30%, while simultaneously increasing the speed to production.