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From YouTube: Flux Deep Dive: A GitOps Approach to Progressive Delivery - Stefan Prodan & Hidde Beydals


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Flux Deep Dive: A GitOps Approach to Progressive Delivery - Stefan Prodan & Hidde Beydals, Weaveworks

“Progressive Delivery” refers to a set of techniques for reducing deployment risk by decoupling the deployment from the release process. In this session, Stefan and Hidde will talk about implementing these techniques on Kubernetes. We will discuss in depth how canary releases can be orchestrated through Git operations, declaratively, using Kubernetes custom resources and Flux git-to-cluster synchronization. We will demo a GitOps pipeline that automates the release process of a web application. The demo will feature: - Flux for cluster state management - Flux Helm Operator for app deployments - Flagger for app testing and incremental rollout