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From YouTube: Observability at Scale: Running OpenTelemetry Across an Enterprise - Jonah Back & Kranti Vikram


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Observability at Scale: Running OpenTelemetry Across an Enterprise - Jonah Back & Kranti Vikram, Intuit

Observability has been a huge topic of interest in the software industry over the last few years. One of the major components in observability is distributed tracing. Tools like Jaeger, Zipkin, OpenCensus, and OpenTelemetry have made it really easy to get started. Less easy, however, is getting your tracing infrastructure to a place where it can be fully leveraged across hundreds, if not thousands, of services. This talk will cover Intuit's experience deploying tracing infrastructure using Kubernetes, Jaeger, and OpenTelemetry. It will cover a few key areas in Intuit's journey to running a highly available, multi-region tracing solution. 1) Scaling ElasticSearch to support 500M+ traces per day. 2) Secure, automated on-boarding of OpenTelemetry agents to central collectors 3) Leveraging open-source libraries to provide high quality trace data, enhanced with domain-specific attributes